Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What Action?

This (left) is Monica and Jalen, my friends, doing a "High School Musical" jumping position.

This picture (bottom right) is my friend Jalen and Nick, from school, jumping up tipping for the ball. The detail in the picture is so precise, that you can see how their shirts are moving and the ball details. I like the different directions they are jumping up and the crossing of the arms.

This was about the middle of the day, so the light is coming from the top of the pictures. I was trying to get the action of the two of them jumping for the ball. It brings variety to the picture. I like the background of  this because it isn't distracting, but it still makes the focus of the picture stand out.

The way I practiced using composition is using worm's eye view. This is worm's eye view because i am taking the picture from the underside of them jumping and reaching for the ball. There is also leading lines by using the boys' body as a line leading to the ball. I like how they do lead to the line, but as they lead, their armscross. This makes the picture very unique.

1 comment:

  1. I love both of these! Especially Monica's face in the first one, classical! :) Keep up the good work.
